Thursday, April 8, 2021
Suki Bassi contributes to The Financial Times: When worlds collide: Are leaders setting a healthy WFH example?
Suki Bassi, founder and chief happiness officer at HappyMaven contributes to the Financial Times with her insights into adapting employee leadership to new ways of working and keeping mental health on the agenda in 2021 and beyond.
“Until March 2020, we normally found ourselves acting as a partner to the chief people officer,” says Suki Bassi, founder and chief happiness officer at HappyMaven, a diversity, inclusion and employee wellbeing consultancy. “Now, mental health has become part of the corporate agenda in a way that it never had been before.” And rightly so: as many of us switch to full-time remote working, the mental health implications — isolation, burnout, anxiety — can have a significant impact on our productivity and happiness.
But there is a danger at the start of 2021 that the conversation about mental health is going quiet. As employees adapt to the new ways of working that are beginning to feel like the norm, some organisations are shifting the spotlight from employee wellbeing to new annual targets.
Read the full article in Financial Times here.
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